Al Noori Muslim School - Roof
The School engineer reach out to us as they required a professional Torch on membrane installer. We arrange a site visit with our Supplier Bayset' who created a project specification which we prepared a proposal. We hired a Mini Macaden from Bayset' a machine that mechanically torch the membrane to the substrate,
Schedule of works:
Clean each area in preparation for waterproofing. Supply and install Sopramastic at all horizontal and or vertical transition where the Torch on membrane has been apply on the detail section when the bleed seal cannot be achieved. Supply and install Sopramastic to fill, small cracks, gaps, or penetrations Supply and install One coat of Antirock Primer to the new substrate. Supply and install One Layer of 3.0S Torch on membrane throughout the new Roof including upturns / downstairs and overruns. Supply and install One Layer of 4AR Grey Torch on membrane throughout the new Roof including upturns / downstairs and overruns. Supply and install One coat of Alsan Flashing (Liquid Flashing) where the torch on membrane terminates. Safely remove all building waste material from site. FSG OBLIGATIONS Organise multiple crane lifts throughout the project. Supply two pallet trucks for the project. Q/A inspection from Bayset Third party inspection by Waterproofing integrity - ELD and Thermal test 20 year Warranty For the first 2 years every 6 months Full Spec Group will carry out a free roof inspection and report to building management. For the following 3 years every 12 months Full Spec Group will carry out a free roof inspection and report to building management. If any works are carried out on the roof where Membrane will be affected, please engage Full Spec Group to inspect post works. Full Spec Group can offer an hourly rate to building management to repair any damaged membrane.